Monday, February 21, 2011


So, lately I have been feel quite overwhelmed with the abundance of projects thrown at us, so I feel my work/ideas just keep getting worse. I'm falling behind tremendously and with midterms coming up, it is quite nerve wrecking.
I have started on the booklet that we have due, but am finding it VERY time consuming! All the text is jumbled up so it is taking me sometime to organize it all. I had an idea for what I was wanting to do to the booklet, but overtime I keep thinking of different things. It's getting so bad that I even had a dream about the damn thing last night! I'm dreading the printing process of it all and I think that's why I keep putting it off so much!
My Native American posters are coming along, but I'm having some issues with the imagery, but am trying to fix it.
I think I FINALLY finished my foods layouts today! Hopefully I'll get the OK soon!
Ugh, well  that's all I have for now, because I haven't even began on the Smokey poster yet, now that I found out it's going to be a series. Geez!

Get at ya later!
Sorry these aren't put side by side....use your imagination :)

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