Sunday, February 6, 2011

Magazine Layouts

This past week or so we have been given the assignment of the magazine layouts, and in all honesty I hate them. I have been struggling the whole time with constructing an interesting design that will catch the readers eye. I have been trying to imagine my self as the reader and think of the times I've flipped through a magazine and what caught my eye about certain articles. Being limited on number of pictures is somewhat of a challenge, because I know images are what capture my eye in an article. Trying different compositions and set ups of the contents has also been a huge struggle. I hate seeing an article that has an interesting title, but I hate taking the time to read the oversized text in it. So, as the design I've been wanting to make it appear as though it is easy to read, and in all reality not that much to read, but this has been a major, major challenge!

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