Tuesday, October 18, 2011



I chose this piece, because I wanted to show a use of textural line shown in the wood of the arm rest on the chair and the directional line shown on the couch. 

I chose this piece, because like the previous drawing this one shows texture in the frame of the window, and also shows shadowing through directional horizontal lines. 
This is my favorite of the three and I chose it, because I like the contrast of the bolder lines giving the drawing a comic strip appearance. 


I chose this piece, because I liked the limited palette color use and wanted to show and example of this scale of value with a single color. 

This piece was chosen, because it was a challenge for me to get so many colors ran together without creating a brown. Also it was difficult to get such a dark pigment with watercolor.


Now although I know you may not be a fan of this piece I liked this one due the the overlapping of the colors and the texture they created. This was an experimental painting for me, but it all turned out good for me. Also, I like that the lines used in it are very simple and are used just as an outline. 

This pieces on the other hand has darker more defined lines, which helped determine the nose and jawline. I also liked this piece, because of the highlights in the face and mouth. 

This picture has a better orange pigment to it, but it poorly perceived in this photo, but I chose it because I liked the reflection of the ball shown on the court, which was a huge challenge for me during the process. There is not tons of line used in the piece, but it is shown to define where the ground ends and around the ball. I then used darker lines to show the lines around the basketball. 


I chose this piece as my gouache painting, because although it was a complete challenge to learn this media I liked how I was able to manage a decent background with this painting. I also like the combination of colors in this piece. There was a challenge with the shading of the skin, but have learned to stay away from skin toned subjects. 


Okay, considering this is my first time in my art career using a Wacomb, I liked this piece! I would like to hope that I would get better with it, but it's quite a transition to make. I liked this one from all the others, though, because of the texture and the highlight used on her skin. Also, I never use facial expressions like this in my work, so this was a new things as well and i liked how it turned out overall. 

This is not the finest work of line are you've seen on a Wacomb I know, but for me this is a 10. I have long before I master this media, but I chose this piece, because it was one of my better ones. I do like the shoelaces on this shoe, though because it gives it a sketch/cartoon appeal. 


This piece is my self chosen piece. I was really nervous when this assignment was assigned, but I like that I was able to create this painting without using a skin tone and mixing different shades and colors together. I wanted to go with an antique feel and the dark yellow helped me to be able to do so. Also, the  background turned out better than anticipated, but I wish the blue and red brought out in it showed more, which it does not do so in this photo. Overall, though for being a gouache painting this turned out much better than I had imaged.  

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